Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

 Hello Friends

Hope you are all ready for the holidays!  I am waiting on a few packages yet.  I want to make the puppies all tie blankets.  Need to get them cut out tonight.  They need to be finished by Friday.  We celebrate our Christmas on Christmas Eve.  I will be off from Friday until Tuesday.  It will be nice to have that time off.  I usually deep clean and put my decorations away.  Maybe I will start tackling the scrap piles.

Did you do any sewing for Christmas gifts?  I actually did!  I made a few zipper bags for some friends.  It felt good to sew again!

I took my time.  They were more work than I thought they would be but it was good work.  Felt so good to be back at the sewing machine.  I hope this is what I needed to jump start my motivation.  I have lots of fabric that needs to be cut into useable sizes.  That is my winter project.

And just for fun.  I had the girls a few weeks ago.  Here they are all cuddled together.  They really are the best of friends.

That is all I have for you this year.  I want to thank you all for reading my blog and commenting.  It really means a lot to me!  Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and whatever else you celebrate.  Hope you can enjoy the magic of the season.

Here's hoping for a safe and wonderful 2022!


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Goals for 2022

 Hello Friends

Sorry it has been so long since I posted something.  I have been busy with other projects around the house and not sewing as much as I would like to.  Hopefully that will change after the holidays.

I did repaint the dining room.  It really feels more homey now.  Will hopefully put in wood laminate flooring this Spring.  Pushed it out a season so we could have carpeting one more year for Christmas.

Mika is doing well.  She has grown so fast and is over 56# already. She is so long!  Roxy and her are the best of friends.  The only makes I am doing for Christmas this year are blankets for the dogs.  I have made them all tie blankets in the past and it's time for new ones.  Mika has chewed hers already.  Thankfully she is out of the chewing stage.

My mom and sister and I get together to bake for the holidays every year.  This year we made a few things ahead of time so we weren't rushed with what was left to make.  Mom had spent a week in the hospital in early November.  She is fine, just a dialysis water retention issue.  She is still getting her strength back.  She made Santa face cookies and Snickerdoodles. I made Can't leave 'em alone bars, Kix cereal treats and Cornflake treats.

I also made vanilla flavored and almond flavored Spritz cookies.  I love to make Spritz.  I have a battery operated press that takes no time at all.

Do you have any family traditions?  I would love to hear about them.
I did get my trees up and decorated.  Still cleaning that up but hope to fully finish this week.  The grand puppies are coming to stay over on Friday through the weekend so their parents can go to a concert.  I can't wait!

I am working on my word of the year for 2022.  No ideas yet but I am sure something will come.  I am also working on my goal list for next year.  Right now it looks like this:
  1. Finish On Ringo Lake- needs backing and quilting
  2. Finish Grassy Creek-needs more piecing
  3. Finish Unity- needs to be taken apart and remeasured
  4. Make 3 scrappy quilts for gift closet
  5. Make the Scandinavian flags quilts-there are 5 just need to decide on size
  6. Finish all little projects that were started or need fixing-there a quite a few
I think those are some goals I can really do.  I hope!  Do you have any goals?  Sewing or other?  I have a list of house update goals also:
  1. Flooring in dining room and living room
  2. Paint the kitchen
  3. Paint the kitchen cupboards
  4. Asphalt the driveway
These are manageable for me and just my income.  There are other things I would like to do but they may have to wait.  These 4 are top priority right now.

That is all I have for you today.  I may check in towards the end of the year if time allows.  If not, I hope you enjoy your holidays. Thank you for reading!


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Moment of Zen - a quilt finish

 Hello Friends

I am sharing my latest finish with you today.  I have been working on this quilt for a while now.  I read the blog Jo's Country Junction daily.  She offers recipes, patterns and an inside to living in Iowa.  I am only a few hours away from her and hope to meet her someday.  I am inspired by her blog everyday. This quilt is called Moment of Zen.  Jo writes about it on her blog.  It was published in American Patchwork and Quilting.  Here is my version:

This is before the quilting.  I used the same fabric line that Jo did.  It's called Cider by Moda and I bought it at Fat Quarter Shop.  They don't have much of the fabric line left but check it out.  I wish I would have bought 2 bundles.  I just love this line!  If you notice, some of the fabric is in the Grunge line.  That is another favorite.  I used the cream Grunge for the backing and binding.  I really need to work on taking better pictures.

Here it is finished:

I had it quilted by a new to me quilter named Sarah.  She runs a shop about 15 minutes away from me.  I love the quilting and hope to be using her services again.  I made this for my friend Leah for her wedding.  She loved it!  Hope you do too!

I have not been making much else.  I do have about 3 that need finishing.  I would like to get at least one of them done before starting anything new.  I really don't like having UFOs around.  How many is too many for you?  Do you complete a quilt one at a time or do you have multiples going at once?  I do get bored sometimes and start new things.  I think I really enjoy cutting the quilt out and binding the finished quilt.  The sewing it all together, not so much.  Is that weird?  I think it is. :)

Maybe I can change that this month.  It is National Sewing Month starting today!  Hope I can sneak in some time daily to sew something.  Better start planning what to tackle first.

Feel free to send me pictures of what you are working on too!


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Summer 2021

 Hello Friends

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer.  It has been humid here but not too bad.  Glad I have the a/c though.  Just a little update on what I have been doing in the past few weeks.  My back door had a bad railing.  It was rusted at the bottom so it was not very safe.  My mom had a hard time getting up the steps with it.

If you look to the bottom of this picture you can see the rust.  My dad had put in the white fencing to prevent his last dog from putting her head in the railing.  And the white board on top was for them to put their bags/boxes of groceries on to help get them in the house.

Now I have a new and improved railing.  It is sturdy and just what was needed.

I can't wait until I can afford to side the house.  It is in my 10 year plan and I have owned the home for 3 years.  It will happen soon. I hope.

In other news, my son bought his first car.  He has had 2 other cars but I have bought those.  His last car was a 2006 and was good for college.  He just upgraded to a 2019 Hyundai Tucson.  I am so happy for him.

The puppies seem to like it too!

In sewing news, I have been quilting a baby quilt and my friends wedding quilt is back from the quilter.  Stay turned for pictures of finished quilts soon!


Monday, June 21, 2021

Not much sewing going on

 Hello Friends

Thought I would give a little update on what has been going on in my life and why there isn't much sewing happening.  I am in the middle of house projects.  Still have a lot to do but I am doing a little at a time.  My front flower beds looked terrible.  The weeds were so high!

I worked in the early morning before the sun was too high.  It was very hot and humid outside. This only took about an hour and a half.

I decided to plant some hydrangeas.  They are a white/pink variety.  Can't wait to have flowers.
I also pulled the weeds in the flower bed to the right of this picture.  And I mulched.  Didn't get a picture of the weeds before.  But it does look a lot nicer.

With the temperatures so high, I have not felt like sewing.  And of course I have too much on my plate in that aspect.  I have lots of fabric and patterns just sitting waiting to become a quilt.  Just no desire right now.  Then, Lori Holt is doing her Red Sampler Quilt Along and I have decided to try it too.  I don't care much for red so I am making mine in blue.  I have finally gathered the fabric and hope to sit and get the blocks cut out soon.  And a friend asked me to pattern test for her.  Just got that fabric on Friday.  Need to get that going this week.

Oh, and did I mention my sister will have a big birthday on Saturday and the whole family is coming to my house to celebrate?  I love it though.  It will be a lot of work but it is so worth it.

And in other news:  I have a new grandpuppy!

A few weeks ago my son was Facetiming me and said he had something important to tell me.  He moved the phone and showed me this beautiful puppy.  Her name is Mika and she is 13 weeks old and completely blind.  She is living her best puppy life.  She doesn't know she can't see because she never could.  It is fun to watch her follow the voices she is familiar with.  We had to stop Facetiming last week because when she hears my voice she gets confused as to why she can't feel me and then she cries.  I can't wait to have her over to my house this weekend.  Big sister Roxy is not so sure of her yet but is trying to adjust.

That is about all I have for you at this time.  I hope my sewing mojo appears soon so I can share more with you.

Enjoy the longest day of the year!  It's all downhill after today. :)


Sunday, March 21, 2021

Ab Intra PQ 12

 Hello friends

I have finally made my word of the year. This has been a hard year. Any guesses on my word? Here it is:

I am hoping we can all find some 'joy' this year.  I did have a pretty good year despite the pandemic.  But like many of you, I did not get to see my family as much as I would have liked.  I know this year will be different.  My son will be vaccinated soon and we can start to live again.

Making this yesterday was a great chance to participate in the Project Quilting 12.6 challenge.  I have not made anything for this challenge in a couple of years now.  Was trying to focus on catching up.  I was in a good position to make this for the challenge.  This weeks challenge was Ab Intra.  Meaning 'within'.  This is my 5th word of the year.  It's a word I will keep in my mind everyday.  It will spark my creativity.  I find 'joy' in sewing and crafting.  I am working on some crochet right now.  In between the many quilt projects I have going on.  I hope you can find some joy in your day.  Today and every day.

This little wall hanging is 9x7.5.  I used Sam Hunter Designs book Quilt Talk.  If you follow the link it is actually on sale right now!  Thank you, Sam!  This was made in Monticello, Wisconsin.

Big thank you to Kim and Trish for making these challenges.  They are a lot of fun and I hope to be back into making all of them again soon.




Friday, March 19, 2021

Some kitchen painting

 Hello Friends

I can feel that Spring is arriving tomorrow.  It's been a little cold and we had about 2 inches of snow this week.  But the sun is shining and a new season is upon us.  Makes me want to be outside getting the lawn and patio area ready for company.  I don't have any quilts to show currently.  However, 2 baby quilts are in the works and ready for basting. Yay!

I did want to show you some pictures of my kitchen.  I will do a full reveal when I have finished it all.  So stay tuned.  I have only painted 2 walls right now.  Other things have kept me busy.  I am hoping to do more this weekend and next week.  My kitchen is in 2 sections.  The old kitchen and the new extension.  The old part has all of the cupboards and most of the appliances.  Then new section has the table and chairs and the washer and dryer.  The old part also has wallpaper.  Yuck!  That is why it is going to take me a while to get it finished.  Plus I want to paint my cupboards.  Once I get really started, I get things done. 

I had seen a picture on Hobby Lobby's site that had a feature wall with cow decor.  Since this is an old farmhouse, I wanted to capture something close to the picture.

This is what the wall looked like before paint:

That door to the left is what we call the secret room.  Dad built shelving over the stairs that are under it.  I keep most of my crock pots and other occasional items in there.

Here is the after:

I will take better pictures when I am completely finished.  I did hang another cow picture above the flowers but did not take a picture of it yet.  I had the center cow picture also from HL.  The flowers were picked up at Walmart and the metal flower was bought at my local furniture store.  I was in a couple weeks ago to see about a new couch.  I did find one and ordered it.  Might not be here for 6 months because the manufacturer is having a hard time getting product.  That is when I saw the metal flower and just knew I had to have it.

I can't wait to finish and show you the before and after pictures.  It makes me excited to keep going!

And in other exciting news, I am scheduled for my first C-19 vaccine on Tuesday.  Wish me luck!

Take care

Thursday, March 11, 2021

A couple of completed tops

 Hello Friends

I don't have much to talk about these days so I don't blog.  I have finished a couple of quilt tops so I thought I would throw them on here.  I have multiple things going on right now, but no finishes.  A few friends are having babies and I am making some quilts.  Everything seems to take more time than it used to.  Probably because my heart just has not been in it.  I did start a quilt a couple of weeks ago.  It's the Snowflake Quilt by Modern Handcraft.  I have had the pattern and fabric for a while.  I had bought 12 fat quarters at a local shop and decided to use them to make the scrappy version.  I added 1 more fat quarter to the group as it calls for 13.  I was sewing away making my blocks when I discovered I didn't have enough fabric. Ugh!  I hate when that happens.  Of course my fabric choice was from 2017.  Luckily I found a little shop in Nebraska that had a 1/2 yd of one of the prints.  I may have to tear out a few blocks and move some around, but as long as I can finish it, I will be happy.  Here is what I have so far:

I can't wait to finish this.  Hopefully soon.

Before starting this I finished 2 other quilt tops.  I participated in our local GSafe fundraiser last year.  GSafe is an organization that supports LGBTQ+ students in schools.  They did a quilt auction last year hoping to raise $10,000.  They had over 200 entries and raised over $25,000.  Some of our local quilt shops collected donations too.  People brought in old kits and fabric they no longer wanted.  I was given 3 of these quilt kits to work on.  I seem to complete things faster when they are for other people.  Here is the first one:

The colors are off on the picture.  The yellowish blocks are really a sage green.  This is Majestic Eagles from QT.
This next quilt top was a kit from Connecting Threads.  It's called Prickly Pear.  It was fun working with Batiks.

Well, at least I had something to show you.  I have been busier than I thought.  I am working on painting the kitchen in between these projects.  One wall done, many to go.  My kitchen is in two parts.  The old kitchen and the new addition.  There is a half wall between them.  The old kitchen has wall paper.  I need to take that down before I paint.  Hopefully this Spring when it warms up a little more.
I am still working on my word of the year.  I have my paper piecing letters printed just need to decide on fabric colors.  Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading, stay well!

New Year New Challenges

 Hello All I had every intention on sharing my goals for this year and wrapping up last year, but some very sad things happened at the end o...