Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Goals for 2022

 Hello Friends

Sorry it has been so long since I posted something.  I have been busy with other projects around the house and not sewing as much as I would like to.  Hopefully that will change after the holidays.

I did repaint the dining room.  It really feels more homey now.  Will hopefully put in wood laminate flooring this Spring.  Pushed it out a season so we could have carpeting one more year for Christmas.

Mika is doing well.  She has grown so fast and is over 56# already. She is so long!  Roxy and her are the best of friends.  The only makes I am doing for Christmas this year are blankets for the dogs.  I have made them all tie blankets in the past and it's time for new ones.  Mika has chewed hers already.  Thankfully she is out of the chewing stage.

My mom and sister and I get together to bake for the holidays every year.  This year we made a few things ahead of time so we weren't rushed with what was left to make.  Mom had spent a week in the hospital in early November.  She is fine, just a dialysis water retention issue.  She is still getting her strength back.  She made Santa face cookies and Snickerdoodles. I made Can't leave 'em alone bars, Kix cereal treats and Cornflake treats.

I also made vanilla flavored and almond flavored Spritz cookies.  I love to make Spritz.  I have a battery operated press that takes no time at all.

Do you have any family traditions?  I would love to hear about them.
I did get my trees up and decorated.  Still cleaning that up but hope to fully finish this week.  The grand puppies are coming to stay over on Friday through the weekend so their parents can go to a concert.  I can't wait!

I am working on my word of the year for 2022.  No ideas yet but I am sure something will come.  I am also working on my goal list for next year.  Right now it looks like this:
  1. Finish On Ringo Lake- needs backing and quilting
  2. Finish Grassy Creek-needs more piecing
  3. Finish Unity- needs to be taken apart and remeasured
  4. Make 3 scrappy quilts for gift closet
  5. Make the Scandinavian flags quilts-there are 5 just need to decide on size
  6. Finish all little projects that were started or need fixing-there a quite a few
I think those are some goals I can really do.  I hope!  Do you have any goals?  Sewing or other?  I have a list of house update goals also:
  1. Flooring in dining room and living room
  2. Paint the kitchen
  3. Paint the kitchen cupboards
  4. Asphalt the driveway
These are manageable for me and just my income.  There are other things I would like to do but they may have to wait.  These 4 are top priority right now.

That is all I have for you today.  I may check in towards the end of the year if time allows.  If not, I hope you enjoy your holidays. Thank you for reading!


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