Thursday, January 9, 2020

Finish Along 2020 Q1

Hello Friends!

Hope you are all doing well.  I am good.  I have 2 quilt tops at the quilters right now.  I think that gives me permission to start something new. I have a long list of quilts I would like to make but I am going to use what I have fabric for and make something with that.  I have a few things that need finishing but I am going to try to sneak something new in too.  Here are my goals for Q1:

  • On Ringo Lake quilt-needs more border and backing.  Would like to at least get the borders on.  Hoping to get it to the quilter
  • Finish the Vintage Christmas quilt-this is at the quilter so I will only need to do the binding
  • Finish the American Country quilt-this is also at the quilter.  Will just need binding.  Will blog about that when it's done.  If you are interested in the pattern, it's a BOM from my friend Charisma.  Check out her blog.
  • Swoon Sixteen runner-I made 3 blocks from that pattern and was going to make a runner.  The blocks are pretty big so I am going to tear them apart and turn them into 3 pillows instead.
  • Word of the year-I have my word and it's almost finished.
I think that is enough to try to get done this quarter.  I am still working on house projects and I am doing a little more traveling then I ever thought I would.  More on that later.

Since I hate to blog without a picture, I will leave you with this.  I am making a grandmother's flower garden quilt.  This is not mine, but I am using the same color palate.
If you are wondering how to join in the Finish Along, please check out Instagram.  They are using hashtags this time instead of having us link up.  #2020FALQ1List
It's been a great resource and motivator to get things finished.  Won't you join in the fun?

1 comment:

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