Monday, October 9, 2023

2023 Goals

 Hello Friends

I was reading another blog and she was updating everyone on her 3rd quarter and what goals were accomplished.  That got me thinking about my goals for this year. Here it is October and boy have my goals changed this year.  Here are my goals for this year.

  • Finish all started quilts - this did not get touched
  • Paint the kitchen cupboards - still have the paint and need to do before Christmas
  • Clean out the small garage and have a sale - it's organized but still need to have a sale
  • Carpeting in 3 rooms - money spent on windows and siding instead
  • Make 3 scrap quilts for gifting - not yet but there is still time before the end of the year
  • Table runner for my Aunt in Winter/Spring - have not thought about this at all
  • Bed runner for Aunt's SIL - no clue what I am doing
Little did I know that in May I would contact a contractor to put new windows and siding on the house.  I met with them May 2.  Signed the contract and was told siding in 4-6 weeks and windows in 10-12.  I decided to put all of my sewing things away so they could do the window in that room.  I worked on a quilt for a retiring friend and made a baby quilt but that was it for this year so far. I called the contractor each month to see where we were in the process.  Supply chain issues are still a thing when it comes to siding and windows.  They decided to do the windows first.  August 28th they replaced 13/14 windows. One was ordered wrong and we are still waiting on that one.  A week later the siding was delivered and they started that.  I will make a post about that soon.  They still have some small things to finish.

So my summer was spent getting ready for the contractors.  My mom ended up in the hospital for 3 days too.  She is fine. I spent time with my son at concerts and seeing musicals with my mom and sister.  So it's been a great summer.  Just not what was planned.  And sometimes you have more fun with no plans.

So I am going to make a short list of goals to tackle before the end of the year:
  • write blog post about house updates
  • baby quilt for coworker
  • clean and organize sewing space
  • put together at least one scrappy quilt
I will leave you today with this picture.  This is the quilt I made for my coworker/friend.  She retired in July. I didn't get a good picture of the quilting, but it came together very well.  This is a pattern by my friend Trish and can be found at Blue Bar Quilts online.

Are you working on your goals for 2024?  I am just trying to get through this month.  It's going to get busy with the holidays but then Winter really hits and there will be more time to sew.  I hope.


New Year New Challenges

 Hello All I had every intention on sharing my goals for this year and wrapping up last year, but some very sad things happened at the end o...