Friday, January 1, 2016

What a wonderful year it was

Hello Friends

Hope you are well.  Sorry it has been so long.  I thought I would have more time with my son in college.  It seems I was busier than before.  I have some things to show you to finish off the year.

First up is the Halloween quilt I made.  I have been hoarding Halloween charm packs and decided it was time to use them up.  I made this using the disappearing 9 patch technique.  It's a little blurry. Sorry.  This stills needs to be quilted.

Then I took a class from my friend Trisha.  It's called Birch Bark by Sam Hunter.  I takes a jelly roll and a half a yard for the contrast bar.
I used batiks.  This also needs quilting.  My cousin just built a new house and it has an open floor plan.  It echoes in the house so I think I will add a hanging sleeve.

Those kept me busy for a few weeks.  Then I decided to start some Christmas gifts.
Amanda Jean had a wonderful tutorial on making these tea towels.  You can check her blog out
I like to give so I made 50 of these towels for friends and family.  Here are about 47 of them all rolled and ready to give.
Then I was on Pinterest and found these adorable pillows.  Had to make a few for my friends and family too.  But I only made 5 of them so far.  I have a few to make for some friends, then I am making a bunch for my friends store.

I cheated a little and bought some flannel shirts at the local St Vincent store.  Cheaper than the fabric store.

I was so excited for 2015 that I have not thought once about 2016.  There are a few things I would like to finish.  I don't have any goals or resolutions yet.  I just want to be better than I was last year.  Kindness goes a long way.

From my family to yours, happy 2016!

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 Hello All I had every intention on sharing my goals for this year and wrapping up last year, but some very sad things happened at the end o...