Thursday, August 7, 2014


Hi friends!

Hope you are all enjoying the last few weeks of summer break.  My friends in Arizona have already sent their kids back to school.  My son doesn't start until September 3.  His senior year! Yikes!

I have decided that I need to get some WIPs done.  I have too many things and I need to finish them up and sell them.  My crafting area is too small to hold on to so much.  I guess a picture of my craft area would look pretty good on here so you all can see it.  But until I can organize and clean a little that is not going to happen.

So here is my to do list in no particular order:

Quilt tops to quilt, bind, label and wash:
           Cherries Jubilee
           Ragged Squares Quilt
           Baby Boy Scrappy Trip Quilt
           Nordika Quilt

Finish all started tablerunners

Empty craft bin of items to make-potholder/towels, santa hat purses, misc.

Well I am going to stop there for now until I can go through and make a complete list.  It may not look like a lot now but it is and it's overwhelming sometimes.  I just need to clean my sewing area and start tackling some of these.

Wish me luck!

What are you working on?


1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I find that when I make a list and then prioritize that list, things aren't so overwhelming. Just start at the first item and go down the list. And before you know it, you're done! As far as what I'm working on... Well, I should finished a mini quilt and really need to get going on a quilt top I agreed to quilt for a member of the Montreal Modern Quilt Guild.


Word of the year

 Hello Friends I have finally finished my word for the year.  Any guesses?  I went to a quilt retreat offered from the guild I am in. I was ...