Tuesday, February 25, 2025

What I have been working on

 Hello Friends

I have been sewing.  Even before mom's passing I was sewing.  Spending all day in the hospital is hard so I would come home at night and go to the sewing room.  Before she went to the hospital I took a Saturday to myself and made this unicorn pillow.  It was for the Project Quilting 16.1 challenge-Mythical Creature.

It was big.  It's 26x26.  It's called Lisa the Unicorn by Elizabeth Hartman.  My sister is Lisa so this will go to her.

I also worked on my word for the year.  I had picked my word in October of last year and thought about changing it when my Aunt and Mom passed.  But I decided to keep the word.  This is also for Project Quilting 16.2-Ombre.

Time fades.  I know that more than ever know. The letters were made with my book from Sam Hunter called Quilt Talk.  I use that book for all of my lettering.  I bought a light pad from Amazon to trace the letters so I didn't have to use a copier.

I also made 2 baby quilts for friends.

I have made 4 baby quilts in the last few months.  And I almost hate to say it, but I had all of the supplies and didn't need to buy anything to finish them. It's almost sad really.  But I suppose some people would be happy that they didn't need to shop.  I like to shop, I just can't justify it when I have all of this fabric.  I am working on 2 scrap quilts right now.  I hope to give one to my Bestie soon for her retirement.  It's long over due that she gets a quilt.  

I do have a quilt retreat with my quilt guild in April.  Maybe I can do some quilting on it then.  I also have 2 quilt kits that I need to get cut up and ready to sew.

My mom would have been 78 on Monday March 3.  I took the day off last year so I could take her out to lunch.  I am keeping the day off and going to do something for me.  Maybe quilt shop?  LOL!  Like I need to buy more fabric!  I am in the process of rearranging and purging my sewing room.  Hopefully my next post has updated pictures.

Talk soon!

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What I have been working on

 Hello Friends I have been sewing.  Even before mom's passing I was sewing.  Spending all day in the hospital is hard so I would come ho...