Monday, September 23, 2024

A little sewing

 Hi All!

How are you?  This summer went so fast!  I don't have a lot to show for it though.  My mom tore a tendon in her hip and was in a rehab facility for 4 weeks.  My sister and I had to take her to and from dialysis 3 days a week.  Then I would run every other day to do her laundry.  She is home now and getting more rehab at home.  She is doing about 85% better. She also had to have a cath lab on her heart.  There is some calcium build up in one of the arteries so she will need another cath soon.  That does not leave much time for sewing.  Which is fine by me.  This is just a season and will pass.

This is National Sewing month.  I have tasked myself with sewing for 15 minutes each day.  Now this 'sewing' includes, cutting fabric and quilt layout.  Not all actually machine time.  So far this month, I have been able to do it every day. I am working on some pot holders for a friend.  I hemmed some curtains. I made a baby quilt from start to finish.  And I have 2 more next to my machine to get sewn.  Here is the baby quilt:

I was able to make this with all fabric from my stash.  The batting and backing included. I also have the other 2 cut out from my stash.  It's really nice to not have to go to the shop for supplies.  But it is kind of sad that I don't get to do that either.  I just have too much. I am going to work on using as much of my stash as I can before buying any more.  I would like to visit my local quilt shop but I can't justify it until I make more quilts from my stash.  I will work on my goals for next year and see if going to my local shop is something I should do.

What do you call too much fabric?  Do you just buy what a pattern calls for or do you buy what you like with thoughts of how to use it.  I just bought too much of the fabrics I like.  With no intentions.  Which is nice to have on hand but also a curse. :)  I have 3 totes of scraps.  And not little totes, 30 gallon totes.  I better get off of here and go and sew something!


A little sewing

 Hi All! How are you?  This summer went so fast!  I don't have a lot to show for it though.  My mom tore a tendon in her hip and was in ...